
You ignore me. Such a good friend huh? Don't call yourself my best friend lah....... I don't know what your problem is and you just stop talking to me and leave me with your new 'best friend'. It sucks. Go on. Best friend will NEVER do that.

주의: I let you go.



I have take the test and I'm INTJ. You know what, aku memang dah lama minat benda-benda psikologi ni. So memang dah banyak test yang aku buat untuk mengenal pasti persenoliti aku. Akhirnya, aku jumpa test yang logic, tepat dan I like it ! Thank you 16 personalities (press the link to take the test. 60 questions k. So release your mind first)

Aku buat sikit research lah.. well banyak sebenarnya... aku memang dah tertarik dengan benda ni. Dan typical INTJ, kalau dah tertarik dengan sesuatu, mood 'hyperactive learning' automatically on. Hah habis, semua video di youtube aku tengok, semua website aku baca, semua gamba kat google image aku tenung. Lepas baca INTJ description tu kan.. aku rasa macam.. 'wah ni memang aku ! I'm not alone. INTJ lets hug !' not sound like INTJ right :p

INTJ weaker characteristic, memang betul-betul buat aku terharu...

  • May be unaware (and sometimes uncaring) of how they come across to others
  • May quickly dismiss input from others without really considering it
  • May apply their judgment more often towards others, rather than towards themselves
  • With their ability to see an issue from many sides, they may always find others at fault for problems in their own lives
  • May look at external ideas and people with the primary purpose of finding fault
  • May take pride in their ability to be critical and find fault in people and things
  • May have unrealistic and/or unreasonable expectations of others
  • May be intolerant of weaknesses in others
  • May believe that they're always right
  • May be cuttingly derisive and sarcastic towards others
  • May have an intense and quick temper
  • May hold grudges, and have difficulty forgiving people
  • May be wishy-washy and unsure how to act in situations that require
  • May have difficulty communicating their thoughts and feelings to others
  • May see so many tangents everywhere that they can't stay focused on the bottom line or the big picture
Because... semua yang kat atas tuuuuuuuuh... Sadly.. its true =)
So.. disebabkan excitement overload mama dengan nabila aku paksa diorang buat test tuh. So the result :

Nabila : ENFJ *so true :)*
Mama : INFP *double so truee :o*

Tapi sedihlaaah.. my friend sorang jer yang try test tuh. Itu pun description personality dia  kata tak tepat.. I guess dia tak faham sangat soalan kut. Actually aku dah share link dekat group... tapi tak di "awak ie" kata orang jawa. So IDGAF.

주의: Copy Paste. Read full :  INTJ Personal Growth